Collegiate Kindergartners Tour Saxon Shoes

Collegiate School Kindergarten students in Beth Anne Shelly and Elizabeth Andrews' classes recently toured Saxon Shoes, a Richmond-based family business founded in 1953 that is known for understanding their customers.
The students headed to the Short Pump location to get a better understanding of the different types of shoes sold in the store, how the shoes are grouped and displayed, how the storeroom is organized, where the cash register is and how it works, and the responsibilities of the salespeople.

Equipped with clipboards and paper to write and draw, as well as iPads to take photos, students divided into five groups revisiting areas of interest to research the business of selling shoes.

Their study dovetails with the Kindergarten social studies curriculum that investigates the theme Alike and Different. Combining the basics of economics and the study of Alike and Different, Kindergartners will use the information gleaned from their tour to create and operate their own "Kinder Kids Shoe Store" on Feb. 6 and Feb. 7 from 8:30-9:45 a.m. in Upper Centennial Hall.