Kindergarten Harvest Festival Includes Lessons on Life Cycles and Composting

Collegiate's Kindergarten classes recently met with Robyn Hartley and Allison Moyer, who lovingly care for the School's plants, flowers and grounds, to learn lessons about the cycle of composting that begins in the Lower School's Centennial Hall and continues to the compost pile in the Lower School garden and into the same garden as fertilizer. 

At the onset of school, Lower School students are taught to scrape organic remnants into the proper bin at the end of lunch. Each Kindergarten class has a student with the job of collecting similar organic materials from their classroom for the compost pile. On the grade-level visit to the garden, Ms. Hartly and Ms. Moyer laid before the students the various stages of composting matter from their composting efforts to explain how the FBI (fungus, bacteria and insects) turn that material back into soil rich fertilizer. 
To continue learning, Kindergartners visited an apple orchard to learn about the life cycle of apple trees - from seed to sapling to tree bearing fruit.
Students are active participants in the life cycle of organic matter in their classrooms, in the cafeteria and in the garden. They understand the importance of properly disposing of organic waste for a healthier planet and reduced landfill materials. The Junior Kindergarten will enjoy the same learning experience with Ms. Hartly and Ms. Moyer in November.