Sowing Seeds for Future Growth

Collegiate School parent Coretta Kingston is excited to support all aspects of a Collegiate education.
During Collegiate School’s 2022 Giving Day, Coretta Kingston was enthusiastic. “For me, the atmosphere of Giving Day, the excitement at the possibility of supporting our kids and our students, made me really want to give,” she says. Kingston, who has a 2nd Grader and a 6th Grader at Collegiate, recalls participating in one particular grade-level challenge in the Lower School, and as she eagerly watched the results of that challenge come in throughout the day, one word continued to resonate with her: community.

“On Giving Day, you really feel the collective contribution of the community,” Kingston says. “When I give to the School, I see that the seeds are planted, those seeds resulting in the support my children and other children receive. In our giving, we plant that seed for generations to come.”
No matter the size, gifts such as Kingston’s support all aspects of a Collegiate education — from books and subscriptions in each of our three libraries to athletic equipment and petri dishes in the science labs — and those gifts benefit students for generations. Simply put: Gifts to the Annual Fund help Collegiate’s students grow.

“I know that educating children takes a village,” Kingston says. “I see that vast network of support throughout Collegiate — in the teachers, in the faculty, in the parents — and watching my children benefit from that is really special. Giving back to the School and then being able to physically see my gift come to fruition in what I know my kids receive — well, it’s all worth it.”