Cougars Prep for Homecoming

Collegiate School’s Homecoming Pep Rally today was the usual mix of fun, community spirit and school pride, with each varsity team performing and inviting peers to celebrate being Cougars.
JK-12th Grade students covered in green and gold face paint and zany costumes filled Seal Athletic Center to rally team spirit for Saturday’s 1 p.m. game against St. Christopher’s School on Grover Jones Field.

The 2018 Homecoming Court was introduced and its members participated in a relay race before senior Zaed Karabatek was named Homecoming King. The Homecoming Queen will be announced during halftime at the game tomorrow. In addition to Zaed, members of the Court are: Riley Bowling, Eliza Goggins, Selam Herring, Eliza Howard, Annie Mahoney, Anne Claire Quindoza, Robbi Beran, Michael Brost, Clay Coleman, Shaan Kapadia and Tucker Surgner.

Festivities for alums continued throughout the day, with a luncheon being held in the Sharp Academic Commons for former students of the Town School (Collegiate’s original name) and with many other alums attending the annual Alumni Oyster Roast at Tuckahoe Plantation.

Collegiate varsity quarterback Nigel Williams also was profiled in this week’s Richmond Times-Dispatch. Click here to read the article.