Responsible Citizenship
Civic engagement promotes civic literacy, addresses issues, and builds community both locally and globally through action by individual and collective citizens. Service Learning, one teaching strategy for civic engagement, connects meaningful service rooted in community needs with instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience.

List of 3 items.

  • Lower School

    As part of their service learning program, first graders learned more about why an organization like the SPCA is needed and made posters and videos to raise awareness of the organization. Their learning culminated in an SPCA Awareness Day where the students spent the day participating in fun, pet-centric activities, including making dog and cat toys that were donated to the SPCA.
  • Middle School

    5th Graders begin an exploration of water by reading A Long Walk to Water, through which they learn about one of the “Lost Boys” of  Sudan — Salva Dut — who now gives back to his homeland of South Sudan by building wells. The students then raise funds to help build a well in South Sudan. The students continue learning about the importance of clean water by exploring the James River in their history classes and they finish their studies with discoveries about the ancient civilizations of Greece and Rome and how water was essential for their survival. 
  • Upper School

    The Upper School Service Council, a student-elected council comprised of representatives from each grade, has a mission to provide and facilitate a variety of volunteer opportunities for the Upper School Collegiate community. They coordinate a wide range of events and opportunities relating to civic engagement and advise the School's leadership on issues relating to civic engagement and service learning.
Suzanne Fleming
Director of Service Learning and Civic Engagement

Responsible Citizenship Team