Upper School Student Shares Travel Experiences

Collegiate Upper School student Jensen Richardson served as the guest speaker at a recent Town Hall meeting with Kindergartners. In December, Jensen traveled to India. Prior to his trip, the Lower Schoolers asked him this question: “How are Collegiate Kindergarten students the same and different from five- and six- year-olds who live in different countries?
Jensen and his fellow classmate Deven Pandya attended the 12th Annual Community Development and Leadership Summit in New Delhi, held at Modern School, one of Collegiate’s partner schools. The summit brings together students from 16 countries across the globe to exchange ideas to help the future young leaders make informed choices about their roles in the world communities.

While in New Delhi, Jensen and Deven posed the Lower Schoolers’ question to their peer delegates from India, Italy, China, Germany and South Africa. Jensen’s presentation, Alike and Different, at the Town Hall was the summation of those findings.

Kindergartners took great joy in knowing five- and six-year-olds love french fries and play a variety of sports they recognize. They expressed amazement that Indian children start to develop reading skills as young as 2 to 3 years of age. One young mind acknowledged that indeed, there are a lot of people in India. The Kindergartners also found similarities among modes of transportation to school, with students walking and riding in cars and on buses. One exception was Venice, Italy, where boats are a popular and necessary way to get to classes.

Read more about CDLS conference and trip here.